About Department

Department of Water Resources and Land Improvement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Improvement of the Kyrgyz Republic is a state authority, which providing management, monitoring and regulation of the state and use of water resources, facilities of irrigation and land improvement infrastructure and carrying out executive, administrative and coordinating functions for the implementation of the single state water policy.

Department of Water Resources and Land Improvement (DWRLI) implements a single state policy in the field of efficient use and protection of the water fund, management of water resources and water infrastructure facilities owned by the state, provision of water resources for all water users.

For this purpose, the Department of Water Resources and Land Improvement carries out planning, organization and implementation of administrative, economic and regulatory-legal measures for water use, operation of water management facilities, protection of water fund lands, as well as regulation of interstate water relations for the use of water resources formed in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Also, the main activity of DWRLI is planning, organization and supervision of works aimed at improving the ameliorative state of irrigated lands.



Water Resources Services


Working days:

Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m 


Saturday Sunday



4 A Toktonalieva str.

720055, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


+996 312 54 90-95 (Reception)


+996 312 54 90-94




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