DETI Water automation and metrology

DETI "Water automation and metrology"


Design and engineering and technological institute (DETI) Water automation and metrology

 Basic functions

— Design and survey, developmental work in establishment of automated control systems (industry, agriculture and water management, ecology), developing and improving methods and means for measuring the quantitative parameters of liquids, gases and heat, as well as developing standard technical, methodological, legal documents on automation and metrology.

The main tasks to be solved

— Designing new and rehabilitation of existing open, closed and collector-drainage irrigation networks;

— ensuring the uniformity of measurements, increasing the level and development of measurement techniques in water management systems;

- development, improvement and metrological maintenance of means for measuring the parameters of water resources;

- equipping metrological services of water management bodies with standard measuring instruments and with necessary calibration equipment;

- training of specialists;

- coordination of technical policy and its practical implementation in the field of metrological support for the organization, protection and accounting of water resources in water management systems;

- development of standard and metrological documents, regulating the procedure for conducting control and accounting operations related to the use and protection of water resources




Water Resources Services


Working days:

Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m 


Saturday Sunday



4 A Toktonalieva str.

720055, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


+996 312 54 90-95 (Reception)


+996 312 54 90-94



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