


The basic tasks of Entity are:

  • research, design and survey and developmental work in establishment of automated control systems for water management bodies and other branches of national economy;

       - research, survey and design works on establishment of new and reconstruction of existing objects of irrigation systems, protective and regulatory structures on water management and other facilities of the national economy;

       - development and improvement of methods and means for measuring the parameters of liquids;

        - development of standard technical, methodological, and legal documents in the field of automation, design and metrology.

  1. In order to implement the tasks assigned, the Entity performs the following functions:

      - development, establishment, implementation of automated control systems for technological processes in the field of water management and other sectors of the national economy;

       - execution of design and survey works for the sectors of water and national economy;

       - execution of installation and commissioning works on the introduction of measuring and automation equipment at bodies and systems;

        - development, improvement, introduction of methods and means for measuring the parameters of liquids and their metrological support.

        - development of a unified technical policy and programs for the establishment, improvement and implementation of methods, tools and systems for measurement, control and management, automation and metrological support;

        - performing research works in the field of metrological support of the water sector and other industries, developing new principles for constructing tools and methods for performing measurements, developing standard and technical documents for the establishment of automated control systems;

        - execution of research and developmental works for the development of instruments, standard instruments, calibration installations, means and systems for the automation of technological processes and their metrological support, including water quality control;

  - designing automated control systems for water intake, water distribution and water accounting at water management facilities, bodies and in other industries;

  - performance of design and survey works for the design of new, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing water intake facilities, pumping stations, canals and dams, mudflow alert systems, protective structures and dams, group water pipelines, drainage;

        - designing of pumping station buildings, dispatching offices, residential and office premises for operating staff and other buildings to accommodate automation and communication facilities;

- calibration of measuring instruments produced by the Entity and measuring instruments in the operation of departmental units in accordance with the fixed area of ​​accreditation in accordance with the established procedure within the framework of the current legislation and resolutions of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic;

       - development of technical, standard, methodological and legal documentation on the main activities of the Entity;

       - development of standard designs of water-measuring structures for their use in the design of facilities and systems;

       - Conducting technical and metrological examination for metrological, developmental works and design and engineering works on establishment of automated facilities, facilities and measurement systems performed in various sectors of the economy;

       - the implementation of designer supervision, technical assistance and engineering services to water user associations, enterprises and institutions in pre-design, design, installation and commissioning for the introduction of measuring and automation equipment at facilities and systems;

        - providing analysis of operation and trial operation of automated facilities and systems, as well as training of maintenance staff;

        - maintenance of unity and required accuracy of measurement of quantitative parameters of liquids;

       - Publishing activities related to the provision of interested enterprises and institutions with standard and technical and other documentation



Water Resources Services


Working days:

Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m 


Saturday Sunday



4 A Toktonalieva str.

720055, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


+996 312 54 90-95 (Reception)


+996 312 54 90-94



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