Higher level objectives the solution of which is facilitated by the Project
- 1. The NWRMP contributes to the implementation of the Country Partnership Strategy for the period 2013-2017 which recognizes the important role of water resources management and irrigation for the country as a whole and agricultural productivity in particular. The NWRMP also contributes to the goals of the World Bank to reduce extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity. Most of the rural poor are relying on agriculture and irrigation, and strengthening the institutions to manage water and improving the efficiency of irrigation systems will contribute to improving agricultural productivity and thus rural livelihoods. Improved water resource management will also facilitate economic growth, not only with respect to agriculture, but also with respect to other critical sectors, like energy, industry and potable water supply. NWRMP is financed through a trust fund (TF) provided by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and will invest in the technical assistance (TA) required for improving water resource management capacity and the sustainability of the MOM of investments in infrastructure rehabilitation done under the World Bank-funded IRP, OIP-1, OIP-2 and its AF, the WMIP and the planned APNIP, by building the capacity of the DWRLI and WUAs. Through investments in establishing a national Water Information System (WIS), it also supports critical elements of national data management and sharing as envisaged under the Central Asia Energy and Water Development Program (CAEWDP) and the Central Asia Hydrometeorology Modernization Project (CAHMP).
- NWRMP, OIP-2 AF and APNIP complement each other by investing in the rehabilitation of the on-farm and off-farm I&D infrastructure and equipment carried out under the current project of OIP-2 and its AF, as well as under the APNIP, whereas the TA for the water sector for MOM - for both off-farm and on-farm I&D infrastructure - funded under the NWRMP.
Project Development Objectives
PDO of the NWRMP-1 is to improve water resources management capability and irrigation service delivery for the benefit of water users