Water Information System (WIS)
WIS Information
The WIS set up as a distributed database application, with text-based data and geo-referenced thematic map layers stored on different servers and linked together through the network system at SWA HO and a website hosted by the SWA to make data/information/maps available to all user groups.
WIS Framework:
Major Tasks:
The primary focus of WIS was to implementation of WIS in the DWRLI of the Ministry of Agriculture implement sub-components 1.1 and 1.2 of Component 1 of the NWRMP, which included:
- Installing a digital information network (DIN) between DWRLI central, regional and district offices, including staff training and a WIS team to maintain the system; ;
- Developing and implementing a WIS comprised of databases with regularly updated water sector data, river flows, water abstractions and wastewater discharges based on data from different organizations, including the Hyromet under the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
Installing a digital information network (DIN) between DWRLI HO, OVK and RVK offices, including staff training and a WIS team to maintain the system
All DWRLI HO, OVK, RVK, Reservoir and Ameliorative Hydrogeological Expedition (AHE) offices are connected via VPN and Internet services.
- HO- 40 megabits/sec Internet;
- 7 OVKs – 10 megabits/sec;
- 3 reservoir offices – up to 5 megabits/sec;
- 40 RVKs- 512 Kilobits or 0.512 megabits/sec
Sub-component 1.2: Establishing a digital Water Information System (WIS) with online tabular and geospatial database applications accessible via the DWRLI website and/or VPN.
WIS team Results
- WIS digital information network established with links to all 52 DWRLI offices via VPN and Internet.
- Thirteen (13) servers (six at HO, seven at OVKs) including all appropriate server software packages installed and running in all seven OVKs and HO.
- LAN improved with over 100 connections in HO and PIU.
- Five (5) online WIS tabular database applications deployed on the web and tested and used by a selected group of OVK and RVK offices.
- WIS geospatial database built with a rich set of water resources and irrigation data with 124 vector spatial layers and two raster images. The WIS team published 100+ spatial layers and 40+ thematic maps online.
- WIS deployed under DWRLI with access to the five web database applications and GIS map services.
- Twenty-two (22) technical reports prepared to document all WIS activities and six databases applications.
- Water object coding system established for the country and 4,624 river segments of more than 5 km in length; 4,560 catchment areas; 65 lakes (area >0.5 km2); 16 reservoirs; 78 Hydromet hydroposts and 48 Hydromet water quality monitoring posts; 32 meteorological stations; 1,160 hydro-technical structures; 116 hydroposts of DWRLI irrigation systems; and 101 of 322 irrigation main canals coded.
- 203 training events conducted for over 2,500 participants from 52 DWRLI offices, WIS working group and WIS team.
DWRLI WIS current status
- 5 online database applications – water quantity, irrigation water use, Hydro-technical structure, national water use, and water users association;
- 2 online web mapping services with over 100+ spatial layers & 40+ thematic maps;
- One demonstration under the management tools and two more under development;
- eBooks with 701 scanned documents and eMaps with 38 scanned raster image files.
Major benefits of the WIS
- DWRLI website with direct access to the WIS tabular and geospatial database applications.
- WIS geospatial and tabular database integration using the WOC established for the Kyrgyz Republic under NWRMP-1.
- Seamless client-server architecture via VPN connection.
- One-stop location for comprehensive water resources and irrigation data and information.
- Powerful visual results and data display.
- Geospatial analysis and data management capabilities.
- Empower better data-based decision making.
- All 52 DWRLI offices
- Five BWA offices
- All government stakeholder institutions
- Universities and research institutions
- International development agencies
- General public
WIS plans
- Integrating tabular data such as establishing a SQL-based WIS tabular database to support multiple water resources management and irrigation and land improvement applications.
- Integrating geospatial data such as adding and harmonizing relevant geospatial data layers from other government stakeholders to the WIS geospatial database to support IWRM and irrigation management; linking geospatial layers with tabular data in the WIS database applications via water object code to enhance tabular data visualization and spatial analysis with the linked tabular data.
- Adding WIS applications such as calculating water balance for each of the five BWA areas; computing crop water requirement for each WUA service area; land use/land cover mapping and generating precipitation-runoff estimates for each BWA;
- Disseminating data and information such as preparing a water resources atlas and an irrigation atlas to disseminate the water resources and irrigation information nationwide; installing LAN system at each of the 40 RVKs to share the VPN and Internet connections so all the staff can have direct access to the WIS online database applications from their computers.
- Expanding WIS data holding and operation such as developing and adopting legislation on regulations for maintaining the WIS which will include mechanisms for data collection, data sharing, data safety and annual reporting plus national data standards and standard map symbology. Using application program interfaces (APIs) to access and download data directly from databases of other government stockholder organizations.
- Institution and professional development such as establishing a fully operational water information center in the DWRLI/SCWRLI; providing more training in DBMS, GIS, IT/LAN/VPN hardware and software maintenance for the staff in OVK, RVK, and HO.
- Planning and securing WIS funding such as through the water resources fee, securing and allocating dedicated funding of USD 300,000 per year for the WIS operation and maintenance plus advanced application development with four specialists and four IT technicians plus three short-term technical assistance missions by international consultants each year.