Project Title:    Enhancing climate-resilient ground water management approaches            

Source of Funding: Grant ADF 13 Thematic Pool grant funds  

Contract Ref: RFQ#DED-1 Detailed engineering design                 

Date of Issue of Request: January 8, 2024



  1. The __________________ (Client) hereby requests you to submit price quotation/(s) for the performance of the services described in the Scope of Services attached as Appendix A in these documents. If you, however, have been associated with the preparation of this Scope of Services that is the subject of this request, you shall be disqualified.

To assist you in the preparation of your price quotation we enclose, in addition to the Scope of Services, the Form of Quotation and form of Contract are also attached.

  1. If you/your firm, however, falls under any of the following conditions, your proposal shall not be considered:
  • you/your firm are/is not a citizen/national of an ADB member country, or
  • you/your firm have/has been associated with the firm that prepared the terms of reference or engaged in the preparation of the Project for which the contract that is subject of this request for quotations was identified, or
  • you/your firm are/is owned by the Client, or
  • you/your firm are/is currently sanctioned or temporarily suspended by the Asian Development Bank for a violation of its Anticorruption Policy (1998, as amended to date) or
  • the contracting of services from your country or any payment to persons or entities in your country is prohibited in compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security Council under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
  1. To be qualified, you must have experience as a Service Provider of the services covered by this Request for Quotation. As evidence, you must attach a document of your experience as Service Provider in at least one contract in the last 3 years of a size and nature similar to the requirements of this contract.
  1. Your quotation/(s) should be submitted in accordance with the following instructions, procedures, and the terms and conditions of the Contract.

Preparation of Quotations

  • Your price quotation/(s) shall be for all the items as described in the Scope of Services, and submitted only in the attached Form of Quotation. The currency of quoted prices and payment shall be KGS.
  • You shall submit only one set of quotations for the above items. Your quotation must be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by you or your authorized representative. Without a signature in your Form of Quotation, your quotation will not be considered further.
  • You shall submit one original of the Form of Quotation, and clearly marked “Original”. In addition, you shall also submit one copy marked as “COPY”. In case of any discrepancy between the Original and Copy, the Original shall prevail.
  • Your quotation(s) should be valid for a period of 30 days from the deadline for submission of the quotation/(s) as indicated below. If you withdraw your quotation during the validity period and/or refuse to accept the award of a contract when and if awarded, then you will be excluded from the list of Service Providers for the project for two years.

Submission and Opening

  • Your Form of Quotation should be submitted by February 8, 2024 - 15:00 (Bishkek time) with the required documents that should be signed, sealed in an envelope and addressed to and delivered to the following address:

Client’s Address: Water Resources Service State Institution

under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic

Project Implementation Unit

Room 328, 4A, Toktonaliev Street

Bishkek City, Kyrgyz Republic

Telephone: (+996) 54 90 72

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Quotations shall be opened in public, in the presence of participating Service Providers’

representatives who choose to attend, on same date as for quotation submission at time

within one hour of stated deadline above and at the following address.

Water Resources Service State Institution

under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic

Project Implementation Unit

Room 328, 4A, Toktonaliev Street

Bishkek City, Kyrgyz Republic


Terms of reference .*pdf


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State Water Resources Agency under Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources of the Kyrgyz Republic


Working days:

Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m 


Saturday Sunday



4 A Toktonalieva str.

720055, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


+996 312 54 90-95 (Reception)


+996 312 54 90-94



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