To prepare the scheme for the vegetation period of 2018, as of April 27, 2018, across the Republic the works were performed for 185.2 million KGS with a plan of 190.0 million KGS or 98%. The following types of works were made using these funds:
- repair of the canals with length of 400.1 km with planned 412.8 km or 97%;
- mechanized cleaning of canals with length of 353.5 km, with planned 369.9 km or 96%;
- repair of hydraulic structures - 1135 units with planned 1161 units or 98%;
- repair of hydroposts - 1076 units with planned 1101 units or 98%;
- repair of pumping stations - 96 units with planned 102 units or 94%;
- repair of boreholes - 37 units with planned 39 units or 95%;
According to the work schedule, the preparation of the irrigation scheme for the vegetation season will be completed in:
- Issyk-Kul and Naryn oblasts on May 1, 2018;
- Orto-Tokoi, Kirov and Papan reservoirs, Batken, Osh, Jalal-Abad, Chui, Talas oblasts according to the schedule for the preparation for the vegetation in 2018 are ready to supply irrigation water.